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Is buying rs gold good or bad? By: nfkjasfas Date: 24 Fev 2022, 03:37
The short answer is: YES and NO. Please bear with me here.

Yes, because you risk getting caught by Jagex, the game's publisher. Some people also think buying RuneScape Gold ruins the economy by artificially manipulating the flow of money — I cannot say anything about this right now.

No, because frankly like some of the answers here, it doesn't hurt anyone. In fact, when you think about it, like selling accounts, it only renews the interest for the game. Non-moving assets like those will be kept unused anyway, and transferred to another person, it finds renewed life, creating another cycle of life for that account or amount of gold.

My final answer? It's somewhere in the middle between good and bad.

I answered this in a separate question, and it might help:

^ This is a good site to gauge which Old School RS Gold selling sites are OK. The reviews come from users so they appear unbiased and untainted, but take of that what you will — I just found the link from a reputable forums.

Good luck!
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